Service quality and traffic management

How Amaris Consulting supports a global telecoms operator to improve service quality and traffic management


How Amaris Consulting supports a global telecoms operator to improve service quality and traffic management

Our client

Our client is an international telecommunications corporation with 266 million customers worldwide. Employing 89,000 people in France alone and another 59,000 around the globe, our client is one of the top ten largest mobile network operators in the world.

Amaris Consulting was asked to address our client’s needs in terms of support in fault and crisis management, as well as service quality and traffic management solutions.


  • Implement diagnostic testing
  • Establish effective monitoring
  • International telecoms traffic management
  • Real-time management of diagnostics monitoring and recovery projects

A proactive approach to incident management

Amaris’ consultants established the need to ensure that the actions and testing required for diagnosis and fault location were properly implemented, which would result in increased efficiency for our client.

Our client also required processes to ensure that crisis and impact monitoring were communicated effectively throughout their organization’s various stakeholders and departments. Establishing critical KPIs was also an integral part of the project.

Furthermore, the client wished to improve their international signaling and voice traffic management, as well as improving control of the QoS over the the switched telephone network, voiceover IP network, and SS7 signalling.  


Having put robust solutions in place for incident reporting, diagnosis and pre-location of fault locations (both equipment and physical links), our consultants also ran a pilot project for the intervention team to ensure a smooth process handover.

Management of crises and major incidents was improved through the establishment of technical conferences with the relevant stakeholders across our client’s organization. Diagnostics monitoring and recovery project processes were also improved through the real-time management solutions we put in place.

A particular benefit of Amaris’ intervention was to guarantee service quality to both international and national customers through performance counters (ASR, ALLOC, etc).

We were also able to ensure the smooth running of all risk operations and scheduled workflows from conception to  closure, resulting in increased efficiency and an effective working model.