Your Transportation & Defense Experts

The Transportation industry has been preparing for a major shift for the past decade. Many manufacturers and industry experts anticipate the advent of a revolutionary new technology that will rock existing business strategies, but timelines for its arrival are still uncertain.

To date, safety has been the utmost priority for all manufacturers. Due to intense innovation, the future of transportation is automated, seamless, sustainable, and connected whilst continuing to be safe, affordable, and accessible. In addition, norms and user expectations are motivating players in the sector to develop new and more environmentally friendly means of propulsion. These various innovations, combined with the emergence of new means of transportation and vehicle sharing, bode well for a multimodal future adapted to individual needs.

The Aerospace and Defense industry is also experiencing strong growth powered by technological advancement. Advanced methods are being used to design, build, and maintain technology, with a focus on artificial intelligence, sensory technologies, and robotics.

However, there remains a need to develop increased fuel efficiency in aerospace and defense but concerns such as safety and efficiency prevents a move towards all electric aircrafts.

Starting with a comprehensive analysis of your organization’s skills, assets, scale, and financial condition, developing a reasoned view of where your company can best compete is the key to remaining competitive in this new landscape.

At Amaris, we offer an integrated approach to our clients’ challenges. With more than 6350 talents, 95+ nationalities and a presence in over 60 countries, Amaris Consulting is the answer to your toughest challenges.


A Key Partner

As a key partner for our clients in Transportation and Defense services, our teams are intervening in different areas. We are developing services and solutions for our clients, involving experts from our different business lines. This includes in particular:


Electronics and IoT

We help companies bring new services to their users with our expertise in technologies such as embedded electronics, telematics, IoT, AI, data, and cloud.

Autonomous Driving

We bring reliable new technologies such as embedded electronics and AI to companies establishing autonomous driving.

Propulsion and Emission Reduction

We help you build a propulsion of tomorrow with services such as mechanical engineering, embedded electronics, and powertrain.

Cyber Security and Privacy

Increased use of IoT and telematics has increased the risk of cyber-attacks; we help organizations protect data and respect the privacy of users.

Design and Safety

With our mechanical engineering and design experts we help you invent the design of tomorrow.

Amaris Consulting offers technical expertise and solutions across a full spectrum of Transportation and Defense services.