How to stand out as a candidate in 2021?

A Viewpoint by Marta Capossele, Regional Recruitment Manager.

The pandemic has radically altered the life we were formerly used to: from the way we interact with people, to the skills required and the current work environment. The traditional way of working has been left behind, leading to flexible alternatives, and job seekers with valuable qualities prepared to enter the labour market. In this article, we explore the current market landscape, and the abilities that companies are looking for in candidates.

A new job market environment

According to OECD, in 2020 there were 114 million layoffs worldwide, creating a significant impact among young workers. People who lost their jobs pursued new studies and trainings, learned new technical skills and ways of working. As a result, some companies started to recruit again, following new working models.

The pandemic has completely reshaped the interaction between candidates, employees and companies; driving organizations to look for people with a renewed set of technical and soft skills.

Companies strive for a renewed set of skills

The most common question asked during interviews with candidates or school events with students is: what are the essential skills a candidate should develop to be considered by a company?

We raised the following query to our recruitment experts at Amaris Consulting and Mantu, who have been dealing with an evolving labour market for years: What should companies look for to ensure the creation of a successful talent team?

1. Lifelong learner

The ability to learn is one of the qualities that has helped us navigate throughout these two years of unpredictable times. Both the environment and the way we work are evolving, as well as the sense of curiosity that enables us to learn with enthusiasm, take on new challenges, and prepare for new opportunities. So, how can candidates adapt to these changes? By continuously learning.

Given this scenario, it’s easy to understand that agile learners are more likely to develop their role and support organizations successfully.

Curiosity is probably the first skill I look for in a candidate when recruiting for my team”, said Sergio Masili, Deputy Chief Recruitment Officer.

2. Critical thinker

Companies are frequently facing new challenges. The opportunity to have talent capable of developing critical and dynamic ideas towards difficulties, can be crucial. Therefore, innovation and problem-solving will become key skills to face new scenarios.

Question everything is the new motto of the future team, and it’s everything I would like to find in a candidate”, said Alexandre Pfann, Regional Recruitment Director in North and South America.

3. Natural born communicator

We can make two statements: First, that digital interactions have increased significantly, leading to a new set of skills needed. Indeed, the ability to positively communicate through a screen has become for some people a daily routine. Second, offices have evolved into new spaces of work, with fewer people and, perhaps, less interaction.

Consequently, communication skills should be carefully evaluated during and after the recruitment process to create a positive work environment.

“We need to create teams where people feel free to communicate what they think. But also, recruit the right person able to speak transparently and with clarity, to say how they feel and what they expect from their manager and the company”, said Alvaro Salorio, Regional Recruitment Manager at Iberia and MEA.

Remote work allowed us to optimize our schedule, but it has also made us more effective in conveying what we want. In order to achieve our goals, we have to primarily rely on verbal skills to ensure that third parties can understand our vision, as non-verbal language is less prevalent due to teleworking.

4. Flexibility

We often talk about flexibility and adaptability, but how can we measure these characteristics daily?

Change is inevitable. I find it stimulating and a source of great inspiration to have the possibility to interact with colleagues who are not afraid to face novelty, ready to step out of their comfort zone”, said José Canales, Recruitment Partner in Southeast Asia.

The ideal candidate is dynamic, willing to approach new worlds, to  raise questions and bring new ideas even if they are facing an unexpected challenge. As a result, the competencies of these candidate profiles will evolve by adapting to the ever-changing environment.

At Amaris consulting, we put our people’s needs first, which is why we offer highly personalized career paths. Discover our available opportunities today.

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